Online poker tournaments

Have you started learning poker, Texas Hold’em or others, on cash games and little by little you have progressed enough to get into a richly endowed online poker tournament? Maybe you want to enjoy a poker bonus and advance your tokens on a free tournament? The poker tournament is what the marathon is running. I’m exaggerating a bit, you have different types of online tournaments that range from Nordic walking to ultra trail in Chamonix.

The different types of online poker tournaments

Note that you can play most of the poker variants at tournament tournaments poker room.

Les tourist the poker prazepool guarantee

It’s a bit of the Rolls Royce tournaments with several million gains to share. It’s long, difficult and difficult. For a beginner, it is not worth trying the adventure. The entry is paying and it is therefore the sum of the entrance fees of the players who guarantee prizpool. If the right to (entry is 10 $ and the prizepool is 2,000,000, it will take 10,000 players. This is an example. These tournaments are rarely played at once, but they work in steps to cross. Before all Things read the description of your prizpoll tournament to take care of the specificities. Who says guaranteed tournament, does not say prizepool in several million. You will find prizepool of 500 euros, see 100 euros. Do not put Martel in mind! The more Prizepool are dreaming, the more level you will have and perhaps even two or three pros lying around.

Turbo poker tournaments

It is a traditional poker tournament with a fairly substantial difference that blinds increase much faster than during a classic tournament. It is more or less between 3 and 4 minutes that the blinds increase. The goal is to play a tournament without spending hours there.

Poker tournaments sit n go

These poker tournaments are limited in place and begins when the number of necessary players is reached. From 6 to 30 players, its tournaments allow you to play less for a long time to reach the final table. The attendance of online poker rooms that we offer allows you to play quickly without waiting for hours for the quota of players to be reached.

Multi table poker tournaments

These online poker tournaments can be called a mass tournament so much, there can be players. The more you play, the more you change tables as players are eliminated. The principle is simple. The more players you have, the more important the prizepools are and you will even have the opportunity to win places for the biggest live tournaments on the Planète Poker!

Programmed poker tournaments (Scheduled)

These tournaments are organized by your poker room and saves big with a small starting investment. These are a bit of promotional tournaments for poker rooms. The date is the time set in advance. No delayer accepted, so be punctual. As with a multi -table tournament, you will have to change tables as the players are eliminated until you arrive at the final table, which we obviously wish you.

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Freerolls poker tournaments

These tournaments are offered by the poker room which often creates them for the new ones arriving with a significant gain, but which will not interest confirmed poker players.
Entrance being free, limited places, it is the poker room that puts the prizepool. These tournaments are a must for beginners!

Poker tournaments in Rebuy and Add on

These tournaments allow players to buy more tokens from departure and especially to be able to relaunch themselves by having the possibility of buying the starting of tokens. Be careful, I see you coming. Rebuy is authorized for a determined period. There is no question of landing like a flower in the final table with a rebuy … The Add on is the last rebuy which will be offered to you before the FN of the rebuy period. These tournaments ask to have some experience. Even if the number of rebuy is limited, it is possible to lose a lot of money if you do not control yourself. In poker, you have to know how to go to bed and leave your head high. If you are in a bad day do not “rebuild”, you will be annoyed and therefore less good necessarily.

By extension one tournoi freeze Out is without rebuy and without adding.

Satellite poker tournaments

It is a bit of a tournament of the tournaments which allows you to qualify for another tournament; It is a kind of qualification tournament that can lead you to Touions at the dream prizepoll or downright lead you in Las Vegas for WOSP. You can see that the offer is wide and there is something for everyone and levels. Follow us to discover how we play poker in tournament and forget your bad habits of cash out.

You can see that the offer is wide and there is something for everyone and levels. Follow us to discover how we play poker in tournament and forget your bad habits of cash out. The poker tournament requires other qualities, other strategies, endurance, perseverance, resistance and to go far, a level of medium poker.

Advice to participate in online poker tournaments

Online poker tournaments represent the Mecca of online poker. The offer is rich and deep. The following advice is both valid for online tournaments and real tournaments. If the latter have many additional requirements with tension, confrontation, physical challenge, the base remains the same with a common objective; reach paid places. So, we’re going to make you a plan to reach this final table, specifying the traps, the hatching shoes and the collars that you will have to avoid.

Can a beginner in poker participate in a tournament?

Let’s start at the beginning, right? Can a beginner simply get an advantage to embark on a poker tournament. Obviously and it is necessary. We are talking about a beginner, not a novice that does not master the hands of the poker, the basic rules. A tournament is an experienced accelerator. You will have more hands to play, more different players to face, more possibilities to change your strategy … and you can play for a long time for less money than on any table.

First advice: master your stack!

The stack is your carpet. This represents the number of blinds you have. It is important to count according to the blins because it gives you a real vision of your power of action. If you only count your tokens, you can believe yourself “wide”, but in tournament, you must never forget that the blinds increase. It is therefore they who determine the value of your stack. For example: if you have 1000 euros in stack. If the blind is 10 euros, you have 100 blind to pay. If the blind is 100 euros, you only have 10 shots left to pay. This is an estimate, because of course you will have to pay the big bling and the rest if you are embarking on one hand. Your stack will therefore determine your game. You can spend very aggressive with a big stack to very careful with a small stack.

Advice 2: who goes far spares his mount

The mount is your Stack. Never forget that the purpose of a tournament has arrived in the paid places. By exaggerating, if you can touch a paid place by playing a minimum of hand do it. If you play too largely, if you are too aggressive from the start you may have the chance to take the head of the tournament, but there is little chance that by dropping the horses from the start, you do not become the prey or victim of your game. For a beginner, advice to all online or real poker tournaments, regardless of the variant, is to play tightening while waiting for the part of itself and That you arrive with a stack strong enough to pass in the “2nd phase” called the bubble. And if there is one thing that is not recommended it is to arrive at the empty pockets because in the bubble, your stack will largely influence your game and the one that your opponents will oppose. The other reason to take your time is that if you are a beginner in the poker you must learn to read the game of your opponents, the Tell, the Makes. Take the time, it is a tournament and the worst that can you Arriving is to get out too early, too fast.

Tip 3: Just before in the bubble

If you are already there, it is an excellent thing for a beginner and his progress. The bubble is an objective to be achieved. Yet just before, it’s a special moment when you will understand why it is important to have played “tight” because it is very difficult to hold the shock with a small stack when you are a good poker player, but c ‘ is an impossible mission for a beginner. The principle is simple: players with the biggest stacks will attack fragile players to steal their blinds and kill them slowly before entering the famous bubble.

Tip 4: Inside the bubble

This time you are there. The bubble is traditionally the moment when there is only an elimination of a player before the table enters paid places. By extension we are talking about the last 3-4 eliminations which will be decisive for entering paid places. It is therefore a crucial moment and difficult to grasp for a beginner. Believe me, once in the bubble you will put yourself the pressure during your first time. Your first gain in a tournament is hand to hand and it’s not time to tilter. It’s simple ; If you are one of the players threatened by elimination, you will be badly attacking. You have to play tight and above all not take any risks. Only play the big hands in the pre -flop like the pairs of ace or king ! If you are in mind to play the executioner. Aggress again and again, but not like a stupid. You have to push the carpet, but with a chance to win it !! By reviving, you will win blinds without forcing yourself.

Consulting 5: The final table

There everything will change. An average hand in the stages of the previous tournament becomes strong in what is called the Short-Handed. There are only 8-9 players left and therefore hands with large cards are more powerful. It is essential to develop your game by taking into account this criterion. The blinds are strong and if you play too little you are going to be hara-kiri all alone like a big one. For the head ups, face to face, we will develop a specific chapter for this final in online poker tournaments or in variant, often Texas Hold’em, on table in the poker room.