Sports bet and COVID-19: towards the end of football business?

If we can no longer bet at all and online bookmakers talk about drop by more than 95% of bets, we could find ourselves tomorrow in a world of decimated sport … We know today, even if the dream merchants swear us the opposite, that sport is a pure business. And the COVVI-19 crisis is threatening many sports, but especially those who live on a bubble, such as football. So we’re going to take a tour of the disaster that awaits us and that tomorrow should radically change our way of betting online.
The TV rights bubble could explode in football
We know the arguments of the defenders of liberal football. Football creates wealth and it is therefore normal for the main players to benefit from it. Then, we have the right to the refrain on the supply that meets the demand … We can see today that it is an ideological position. Football clubs live above their means. Some feed on TV rights that have been artificially doped.
It is enough to see in USA what has happened its last years. The arrival of Qatar and a TV channel served as a counterweight to create artificial competition. Being a state TV, it has no economic objective: today, the Qatari channel has its losses in billions. Everyone lives on the windfall, but dependence has become a risk for the survival of the elite teams. In USA, dependence is such that the manna of rights represent an average of 36 % of club budgets, but sometimes even 50 %! With The suspension of matches, we expected the broadcasters to support football, but it is nothing. Canal+ and Bein do not want to pay, because contractually, they do not have the goods they bought. It is a check for 200 million euros which is therefore suspended. If we add the loss of matters of the match, many clubs are on the brink.
The Fatal Domino game?
The problem is that the extent of the disaster is global. We know that analysts explain that clubs are big brands and that they can hardly see how they could disappear, but small clubs are in danger.
In the analyzes, we surprisingly forget the sponsors. Sponsors are economic agents who can undergo colossal losses. We can think of the sponsor of PSG which is nothing other than the chain of hotels that we find all over the world … What about automobile constructors? FIFA is mounting a support background that could reach 200 million euros. The great laying of European football Explain that this is the end of exorbitant transfers and that the wages of the players will stop bleeding the clubs. The most important data to think of the football of tomorrow is to know if the seasons will end.
The day before yesterday, the Belgian championship was purely and simply canceled … It is not a good sign and UEFA immediately dropped a press release opposing this decision. Yesterday, we complained more about online sports betting And today we are wondering what we will bet during the recovery. Fortunately, in the meantime, there is Online poker…