Belgian police sanctioned for playing casino

Did you know that Belgian law prohibits certain professions from playing the casino, both in physical and virtual establishments. Indeed, if you are a judge, magistrate, notary or police officer in Belgium, access to a casino will be refused. This ban also applies to virtual playgrounds, and Sports betting.
Prohibition to play casino for Belgian officials
According to article 54 of the law of May 7, 1999, the entry of physical casinos as well as registration to an online casino is prohibited for certain professions. More specifically to magistrates, notaries, bailiffs as well as the police officers, and this outside the exercise of their functions. The ban is not only worth during their working day, but also for the duration of their mandate.
Why such restrictions? Quite simply because the Belgian government thus wishes to preserve the integrity, but also the financial independence of its officials. And so make sure they cannot be corrupt. The main purpose of this law would therefore be to encourage them to fulfill their functions as possible as possible.
A regularly updated control
But how really this ban is respected in Belgium. In reality, access to physical and virtual playgrounds is regularly controlled thanks to a powerful computer system: “Excluded Persons Information System » (EPIS). A database in which are recorded the names, first names and dates of birth of the players excluded by law.
In this database, we therefore find civil servants whose title we have just mentioned. But also people who are prohibited from gambling for reasons of addiction.
However, it must be understood that this ban only applies to Belges Casinos, as well as virtual operators who have the authorization to exercise their activity in the country. Belgian officials can therefore perfectly go to a American or abroad establishment, in which they will not be considered as people prohibited from gaming money.
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A dozen police officers sanctioned in 2020
Recently, the Games of Chance Committee has also identified and sanctioned a dozen police officers for playing Online casino games. The latter had opened an account with the identity of a third party, even using the police computer equipment.
The Commission spoke of the need to ensure the impartiality of its officials, and the danger of the Games of money which could call into question the latter in the event of over -indebtedness.
One of the police played for four years, another has put 1500 euros every month according to a Belgian newspaper. One of the defendants would incur up to 60,000 euros fine to have opened his account using the identity of his mother. It would have bet more than 55,000 euros, on nearly 700 game sessions, sometimes from his computer at the police station. She herself admitted that the game had ruined her career.
Another sanction was taken for a police officer who would have bet almost 100 times during the World Cup, this time using the identity of his stepfather. He received a fine of 208 euros.