Online poker: New!
Online poker intends to attract more players
While online poker sites are struggling to capture new customers, some operators have decided to modify the rules of the famous card game somewhat. Their goal is clear: to attract more players around tables. A successful attempt? Response elements.
Corner rules to start playing online poker
While he is sometimes accused of Online poker operators To be somewhat chilly when it comes to innovating, Winamax dared a bet that seems to be successful.
Indeed, in order to attract more recreational players, the operator has decided to breathe new dynamic into the sector by bringing a few new features to the poker game. Like what 888poker has tried on the American market, Winamax has decided to modify the rules of the traditional poker somewhat.
Since mid-March, the operator has been offering floooop tables that have been based on the simple concept that there is no more preflop action. In other words, the six players sitting around the table keep their cards and can see the flop which tends to considerably reduce the possibilities of bluff.
Another modified rule, the disappearance of the blinds which are replaced by antes, that is to say by compulsory bets, while the size of the carpet of the players is capped at 50 times the amount of the ante.
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Unsurprisingly, these new rules of the game are not to the taste of purists who, as often, have been very refractory to any changes.
It must be said that according to them, these changes call into question the advantage that their science of the game gave them since it is difficult to be able to bluff so many adversaries but also to decrypt their games. However, on a long-term horizon, this advantage will be there again since the knowledge of professional players will allow them to define the optimal strategy to take it also despite these modifications.
It remains to be seen if the efforts made by Winamax to attract recreational players will be paid or if they will be in vain.
Competition is not to be outdone
Well aware that Winamax had taken a train in advance to conquer new players, the sector giant, pokerstars, quickly retaliated by launching the N’Go Max spin.
Indeed, after having met a great success, the N’Go spin, ultra-rapid parties during which three players defy for win Determined at the start of the game, are therefore available for the greatest pleasure of lovers of the genre.
With the Max version, more players are around the table (3 to 8), more hands are played while the amount of the gain becomes random. This last point is not without a problem since many already accuse the operator of promising attractive gains while offering only limited gains. Faced with these criticisms, Pokerstars wanted to respond by specifying that the gains were randomly offered by software operating like a random number generator.
Some people consider that the greatest vague still surrounds the spin n’go max of pokerstars But that does not seem to disrupt the players since the general public responded very favorably to the launch of this new game mode. Players on mobile terminals, in particular, are already crazy about the N’Go Max.