Messages to appease players

A recent Australian study, conducted by the Experimental Gambling Research Laboratory (CEGAL) and the Central Queen University, for Gra-(Gambling Research Australia) with a century ahead, might have had a saving effect on a Inveterate player like Fiodor Dostoevski. But she would then have deprived the literature of a very first plan work: her eponymous novel (“the player”) operating a real analysis with an open heart of his addiction, which allowed her, as well as the love of Anna Grigorievna Snitkina Become Dostoevskaïa, to cure it.
This cycle of studies offers, at certain times, tools which could have been inspired by the novelist, since it is often a question of observing a thoughtful approach of gambling, to become aware of its limits and to gradually control them, while ceasing to conceive of this passion only through the prism of social stigma and shame. Making a more positive representation also makes it possible to set up safeguards, in the amount of expenses conceded as the time that is devoted to it. And avoid l’addiction.
A seasoned team of specialists to supervise the risk
The Gra group is made up of therapists, psychologists, sector regulators, all specialized in gambling and their effects on the often unreasonable behavior of certain players. The central objective of this first study was to confirm that certain messages delivered to bettors before, during and while they indulge in their passion, positively change their behavior.
It is based on current observation that bettors most often use their Smartphones to play And that this tool can be effective in promoting preventive messages and advice.
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What should be the right risk measure?
The team has tested a range of 27 messages praising the qualities of a safe game. The objective offered to players is keep control money spent. For study professionals, it was necessary to retain the most useful and easiest to understand messages for all participants in the test. The proposed themes carried:
- On how to teach safer game practices
- On the correction of false ideas and false testimonies on the game
- Stimulation of ideas capable of leading to more conscious decision -making during the game
- Messages concerning the standards of the game to be observed
- Messages on emotional aspects crossed by the bettor
The behavioral trial lasted 5 weeks, distributing random messages from 2,000 regular consumers of sports and racing. It was then, for researchers to select the effective criteria by measuring the impact of each of the signals sent on the height of the bets made, the time spent.
Some examples of messages that mark the spirit of bettors
Among the formulas that have had a definite effect on respondents, we find, in particular: ” Bet less allows you to spend more money on important people who really count in your life! ». Let us also note this call for self-control: ” Don’t bet what you can’t afford (to spend) ». Or : ” Most people who bet never give more than $ 10 per week! ».
What external signs indicate the reasonable limit of the bet?
The second study company was to verify whether these same messages could contribute to the enthusiasts agreeing to set deposit limits, during the races, competitions in which they participate by their money. This is what the research pilot group could actually see. On the total duration of the observation, all participants in experience have reduced their time of risk exposure and the sums they devote to it.
Can we neutralize the perverse effects of the game on the spirit of “at risk” players?
Professor Matthew Rockloff, director of the laboratory, notes that social stigma and the shame it causes that practitioners who know real problems do not require external help. Campaigns that presents the inveterate player at the bottom of the abyss, alone in the face of his angry family, only strengthen his guilt and disarm his ability to reflect on himself and his practices.
This type of report can therefore only have the opposite effect of that sought, hence the best coherence of the studies currently carried out, as that described here. It is, unlike clarifying the coherent measure of messages, in a national framework, supported by the Commonwealth, which offers interactive consumers of solid protections and healthy behavior models.
Delimit practices by systematic demarcation of the playing areas in the game
Gra researchers deduce that it would be good to display this type of message wherever the user is likely to see them, during a session, on the Internet, by radio messages or on television, during Prints for example or advertisements encouraging to bet, promotions broadcast before competitions.
Is it possible to supervise and prevent any misuse of gambling to make a space completely free from any abuse of consumption and any addiction? It remains another bet still risky … but solid balustrades now surround this “abyss”.