The game industry is committed to Ukraine

The European game industry has mobilized in recent weeks to support not only its Ukrainian colleagues, but also all those affected by the war in Ukraine. In an article on LinkedIn, the founder and CEO of Beyondplay, Karolina Pelc, announced the collection of funds “Gaming Industry Supporting Ukraine” that it and other members of this sector organized. Back on solidarity initiatives in favor of the victims of this war.
A solidarity initiative for Ukrainians
“L’initiative Gaming Industry for Ukraine Aims to collect £ 250,000 to support the collection of funds Choose Love’s Ukraine Crisis, which supports projects providing vital aid to the refugees created by the incursion of Russia in Ukraine, “she said.
The CEO and founder of SBC Rasmus Sojmark, who is also behind the fundraising campaign, said: “The world game industry is a family and what has become clear in recent days, C ‘is the strength of the responsibility it feels by providing assistance to people in Ukraine. Most of the organizations employ Ukirainians, or have done business in the region, shared a drink with them and above all befriended them.
Ukraine is a key player in the European money game market, both in its domestic market and in its role as a supplier. The country legalized the games of chance on July 14, 2020, after a period of ban that started in 2009. One of the first operators to have obtained a license in the country after the reopening of the market was Parimatch, founded in kyiv.
Yesterday, in a moving LinkedIn post, the sports betting company said: “Our team still works in most regions and in kyiv. Some are now used in the territory, others help block telegram channels containing disinformation, some have become journalists for foreign or volunteer media and help resettlement, food supply and logistics with Of all the Ukrainians … We stay in Ukraine, we work here and we want to be here.
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The Ukrainian computer sector fights tanks by coding
Atlas CEO, Sergei Efimenko, praised massive support for Ukrainian refugees and said other industries joined the humanitarian efforts launched by The casino sector.
“Many of our computer developers have joined the defense of the territory, and many others help build protections in the streets. Where there were beautiful flowers and fountains, we are now building anti -tank protection and positions for machine guns.
Efimenko says that if the company builds ramparts against Russian attackers, it also fulfills its obligations and works on customer projects whenever WiFi allows and often for anti-bomb shelters and metro.
A positioning that could go further according to some observers
The Consulting Consulting at Regulus Partners stressed the effects that the conflict could have in a recent article. “One of the big problems raised by the creation of blocks is that the flows of money, people and services are likely to become much more limited between They, a bit like during the Cold War. Online gambling, multi-jurisdictional companies and global mergers and acquisitions all depend on the fluidity of the markets, “he suggested. “Western sanctions and Sino-Russian countermeasures will likely imply the vitality of the world game industry, either as a collateral damage, or for design.”
Likewise, a recent Macquarie Capital report in the United States has stressed the potential of the conflict to have an impact on cybersecurity, cryptocurrency and to cause disturbances of outsourcing for many companies that depend on Ukrainian suppliers.
Nevertheless, and while sports organizations around the world have withdrawn their support from Russian events and teams, gaming operators still accept bets on Russian events.
As an article by Bill Speros pointed out on, Legal bets were taken on live sports in Russia despite the country’s military action in Ukraine. Fanduel, Draftings, Betmgm, Pointsbet and Caesars Sportsbook offered Paris on tennis Moscow liga pro table, while BET365 proposed live bets on the basketball match feminine of the Russian Premier League.
Although being united behind the Ukrainian people and collect funds to support rescue efforts is the maximum that some people can make, a more important and more effective gesture of the industry would be to suspend betting on Russian events and Prove that she does not pass the profits before peace.