ESPORT and CASINO CONGRES – Return to the 6th Congress

Still unthinkable just over 10 years ago, e-sport is now considered a sport in its own right. Discipline now has its champions, stars, sponsors, audiences and especially its major events. Among these, the reference in terms of e-sport event linked to casino games; The CEC (Casino Esport Conference). Focus on the 6ᵉ edition of this essential event held on March 23 and 24 at the Alexis Park Resort in Las Vegas.
What is the CEC?
The CEC is a reference congress which includes all areas of e-sport and the world of video games for The casinos industry, teaching and cinema. This is the only conference dealing with the legal, political and regulatory dimensions of this new form of play, entertainment and Paris. The CEC is also a unique event that attracts speakers and participants from E-Sports worlds, casino, teaching, research and cinema to give a global understanding of how to make compatible and lucrative the industries of video games and e-sport. The CEC takes place over two days during which the E-Sport, video, casino and cinema industries directly meet the actors, whether users or operators, marketing specialists, developers, event organizers , lawyers etc. The purpose of this event is to create direct connections between actors likely to offer the infrastructure, games, and establishments of tomorrow in the world of virtual game.
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The program for this 2024 edition of the CEC
The manager of Casinos Agua Caliente, Saverio Scheri, will be in charge of the opening speech. A conference will follow, organized by the Ben and Ari Fox brothers, founders of the group, and during which Bobby Soper, president of Mohegan Gaming & Entertainment will also be present. Will also be present, Seth Schorr, president of the legendary Grand Hotel & Casino de Las Vegas and CEO of Fifth Street Gaming. He is also one of the great artisans of online betting development and e-sports in Nevada. The main theme of this summit meeting will be the implementation and development of immersive and possible experiences possible. While e-sport continues to gain momentum, the state of Nevada has just formed a technical advisory committee which has just met for the first time on March 1, 2024. A little earlier this year, C ‘is the New Jersey who had taken a direction similar enough to develop e-sport and online bets. Casinos operators already experience this new dimension of the game by themselves, located halfway between e-sport and Casino games for several years. Indeed, before the pandemic, the Agua Caliente group already regularly organized e-sports tournaments, which attracted younger customers than usual in casinos, with dedicated areas serving as arenas for e-sports tournaments . The return and even the multiplication of this type of tournament is planned for very soon.
The future of post pandemic e-sports
Scheri responsible for Casinos Agua Caliente but also his colleagues explained the reasons why they believe that e-sport can match with the world of the casino. Well, mainly because e-sport is on the rise with or without casinos and this is an opportunity for casinos to rejuvenate their sometimes old-fashioned image for certain audiences. It is therefore above all a question of dynamics. As for Bobby Soper, head of the Mohegan Sun group, he also shares this vision concerning the need for casinos to develop e-sport within them. Thus, it was announced that the next casino of the group, whose opening is planned by Mohegan Sun in South Korea in 2024, should include e-sport in larger proportions than this was not the case until now. Of course, to attract the widest possible public, these new generations casinos plan, in parallel with e-sport, the organization of concerts, shows and other events, as well as the presence of amenities and high services range. Ari Fox qualifies the pioneering conference CEC, in particular after the COVVI-19 pandemic and at a pivotal moment for the next generation of casinos which must reinvent themselves. Among the main axes of these future gaming experiences, the emphasis will be put on technologies such as holograms, virtual and augmented reality. This suggests the almost endless potential that will present themselves to casinos and e-sports players in the years to come.