The trut game

Translated and adapted by Katyousha Dolores, according to an article published on the Ludoteka card game site, 2019

The trut or thing is a game of Spanish cards played mainly in Valence. There are several other versions of the same game, the most popular being probably the trick Argentine.


If you already know the Argentinian Truco, consult the chapter devoted to the differences between the two versions directly.

The trut is a typical Spanish card game but only 22 of the 40 cards in the game are used: the figures, the two, the ace of cuts and deniers are deleted.

The Spanish card game (Baraja Española in Spanish), contains 40 or 48 cards belonging to four series, communes at the Tarot de Marseille: the deniers, the cuts, the Epées and the sticks. The illustrated cards are the valet, the rider and the king.

Most versions are played with the package of 40 cards (Figures and figures from AS in seven), but some of them also require eight and nine.

The number of players can be two, four, six or eight, still divided into two teams. Most often the thing is played out on four players, in two teams of two. The following explanations apply to a part of 4 participants.

Goal of the game

The goal of the trut is to form two folds (or lifted).

Each fold consists of 24 points, which accumulate after several hands. This series is divided into two parts: the first 12 points are called popularly “the bad” and the following 12 are “the good”.

Part of the game

Beginning of the game for each “data”: three cards are distributed to each, the player who obtains the strongest card wins the fold and begins the first round. The player or the team who won two of the three folds of each “dating” won.

I brought him

The main objective of Truco is to win tricks. Three laps are played and the winner of each of them is the player who launches the highest card, according to the following hierarchy:


AS of sticks

Seven of Epées

Seven deniers

The septs

The six

The five

The fourth

Truco is won by the team that obtains two of the three lifes. The Channel winner is the most folded team. The team that wins the fold is the one that put the highest card, the order of the cards being: 7, 8, AS, King, Lady, Valet, 10, 9.

If no one wins the round because two opponents launch the same highest card according to the hierarchy, the tour will be called curtain (draw or draw).

If the two teams win a round and the other is a draw, the winner will be the team that obtained the fold first. If the three rounds are tied, the winner will be the game leader. The fold is said to be “rotten”.

Often it is not necessary to play the third round because the result is known in advance (when one of the teams wins the first two laps, or just a round and a draw).

The player who obtains the fold begins the next. The team that wins the Truco scores a point.

Any player can “sing” during his turn, before launching his card. It is a bet that counts for two points instead of one. If the opponents do not agree, he will only earn one point and the distribution will be completed.

The team that received the trick Can sing “Destruco” at the same time or later during the Channel. If the opponents agree, the winner will score three points. If this is not the case, the round is closed with two points. The team that sang the trick could sing four vals (value 4 points). If the opponents do not agree, they will score 3 points.

Finally, we can respond to the four vals With a play outside ; it is worth the entire cama.

variant fiddle (urge)

Any player can possibly sing fiddle During his first round during the distribution, before playing a card or “rush”. Once the bets on thefiddle are open, the trut is interrupted until the round of the Channel marks a trut.

The winner of thefiddle is the player who has the highest score according to the following rules:

  • If two of the three cards are the same color, the score is twenty more sum of the indexes of the two cards; If the three cards are the same color, the lowest of them is not taken into account.
  • If the three cards are of different colors, the score is the highest index of the three cards only.

The winner of thefiddle scores two points. The game can continue by an additional round if necessary, a tower that can report two more points.

There is a particular type of bet, called The lack (false); It can be used directly or in response to a fiddle or as part of a lap. If he is accepted, the winner of thefiddle Win the whole fold if the opponent is always with “bad points”, or if the number of points necessary to win the fold by the pair in mind and that the opponent is already provided with good points. If there is a draw, the winner is the distributor.

After the distribution of a deal if one of the players called “two like and a false”, that means that he has 2 cards of the same value and a different value card, hence the name of “false”.

Some variants of the thing allow you to bet any number of points in thefiddle, but it is surely more frequent to play using only fixed bets of two points. If the bet is not accepted, the team receives a point or the amount agreed previously- if it were a replica.

If the bet on thefiddle is accepted, the players follow by playing the thing before checking who is the winner of thefiddle. When the two equip have ended their lifting, it is necessary to take into account the points corresponding to thefiddle For the total of the score.

Differences with the Argentinian trut or trick

If you’ve already played Argentinian Truco, here are the main differences between the two versions of the game:

Cards: 22 cards are used instead of the 40 cards in the game (figures, cards and false ASs are deleted).
Bets are played in the same order, but the winner of thefiddle is revealed after playing the Truco.
The player who covered the opponent’s card with the same card but stronger begins the next lifting.

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