The Pouilleux or Mistigri
Jean Boussac
In Card game encyclopedia, 1896. (Combinations games, pages 175-181)
There is a very nice game which bears multiple names and which is played in various ways. Sometimes it is the pamphile; other times, it is the Mistigri; other times again, it’s cascaret, etc. But, under all these names, it’s always the same game, or roughly. Cascaret is a variety of rams, but it is otherwise fun.
We start by shooting the places, because it is very advantageous to have a mazette on his left, while we are much more exposed to losing when we have a skilful player on this side. The prettiest game is four players, with a dead man, but we also say a girl.
We will explain its march as it is followed in Burgundy, as well as in a part of the Nivernais and Bourbonnais.
When the players are in place, each of them takes thirty tokens, of an agreed value. The money represented by these tokens is apart, and when the game is over, each is paid for the tokens that he has; Those who no longer have them, have nothing to receive.
We then pull our hands. It is the player who has the weakest card who must give. We will notice which one who gives the first, because when a part lasts a certain time, most often no one knows, at the end, which is the player who gave the first.
The part consists of towers; Each lap started must be finished, and it is finished when the situation returns to the one who first distributed the cards. If the lap started was not completed, some players would have made more data than others and would therefore have spent more.
The donor, after defeating the cards, presents them to cut to his neighbor on the left. The distribution is done two by two in the first data, and three by three in the second data. The player placed to the right of the donor is served first. If there are five players, it is made six games; There is one for the dead, also called the girl. The dead is served the penultimate, that is to say immediately before the donor.
Each having received five cards, the one who distributes them returns the thirtieth, that he will have the right to take in his game, after having dismissed one; Before distributing the cards, the donor must have put six tokens to the game. At this first deal, as there is no beast, that is to say the bet being simple, everyone is forced to play .
The first player placed to the right of the donor, if he believes he can make at least a lifting with his game, plays with this game; Otherwise he has the right to take the girl, or to ask for cards. If he declares to take the girl, he will change his five cards against the five that have been served to this girl, as has already been said. Then comes the lap of the second player, that is to say that immediately placed to the right of the first; He declares to play with his game, or he asks for cards (either one or more, up to five if he remains); He can also take the girl, if this was not done by the first player. The third player, when his turn comes, has all the rights of the first two, within the limits of what remains. The last to speak, who is, therefore the donor, can also take the daughter or rule out, if necessary but, if he does not take the girl, he has the right to change the return against one of his Cards. If he takes the daughter, this right no longer belongs to him, because he only has the rights that the said daughter had, and he cannot combine his donor rights with those. Each being served, the differences being made, each player must make at least one lifting, those who will not be stupid.
The cards are mistresses in the following order, starting with the strongest:
- The clover valet, or Mistigri, or Cascaret, or Pamphile, etc.
- The king
- The Lady
- Laugh the choice
- L’as
- The ten
- The new one
- The eight
- Seven.
There are therefore nine assets in the color he returns, except nevertheless clover, where there are only eight but there, like elsewhere, the Mistigri is always the strongest. Each player picks up as many tokens as he has lifted the one who raised the Mistigri picking up two, it is for this cause that the donor puts six tokens to the game instead of five.
Those who have not lifted are stupid, and each put six tokens to the game. The donor also puts six to do he would put six others if he was stupid. In this second round, if there are animals, no one is forced to go; Those who pass put their game on the table, when their speech comes, but never before. If everyone goes, the donor being alone picks up everything on the game.
In some countries, the player who is the penultimate to speak, that is to say the one who is to the left of the donor, is forced to take the girl or to play with his game, when everyone has passed . This is a matter of convention; But we understand that, on a big blow, it is to push the rigor a bit to constrain a player to run a risk that can exceed his financial resources.
If there are two or three players who want to take part in the blow, things will happen exactly as in the first round, and each player will collect as many tokens as he has lifted.
If there had been two animals, for example, on the first time, there would be eighteen tokens in the game, that is to say six put by the donor, and six by each of the beasts, that is to say in total eighteen. The levees will therefore be three tokens each, and the Mistigri, whose lifting counts double, will be entitled to six tokens.
But if one of those who faced the blow, is stupid, on the eighteen tokens, he will have to put eighteen at the next shot, with the donor, it will be twenty-four. If there are two animals, they will each put eighteen and the donor always six.
LANTURLU. There is a special agreement for this game, it is that of Lanlurlu; When you have five cards of the same color, it is called having Lanturlu. Whoever has lanlurlu wins everything on the game, and if the blow was a wedding stroke, that is to say if everyone was forced to play, everyone would be stupid, except the one who would have shows Lanturlu.
If the blow where a Lanlurlu occurs is a blow where he had animals, those who went there on this one are the only animals again, and the Lanturlu owner picks up everything.
Five tiles or five spikes or five cores or five clovers form a Lanturlu. These cards do not need to follow each other. The one with four tiles, or four spikes or four hearts with the valet of clover, also has lanlurlu, the clover valet being of no color.
The donor who has four cards of the same color, if, when he has dismissed one, has five such, he also has lanlurlu – the clover valet being always in all colors. Even if the player who would have Lanturlu would have passed, he would nevertheless put the fly all the players who would have gone there. Also the one who has lanlurlu always passes, if he is not the last to speak, and when the other players said they go, he shows his Lanturlu and picks up what is in the game.
This right to pass aims to let several players lock themselves by committing itself instantly. If there are no animals, as everyone is forced to play, the one who has lanlurlu shows it immediately.
At the Mistigri we do not make a credit as soon as we are decavated, we must buy back sheets for the winners and pay them cash. When the donor turns the Mistigri, he chooses the color of the asset, after seeing his game.
Whoever is blundered, loses his gives; the following gives to his place and place, and the putting of the one who made
Maldonne remains on the carpet. Nevertheless the one who made Maldonne can, by making a new put of six tokens, keep the situation. The one who plays with more than five cards is stupid. After the gap, the one who receives cards must check if it is well given the number he asked if he has fewer cards he must have, he is out of the blow; If he has more, he is also out of the fact and if he takes part in the blow with a defective game, he is stupid. If the one who takes the girl finds a Lanturlu there, he has all the rights he would have had if the said Lanturlu had been in his first game. He who makes his game see is stupid. It is the same with the one who speaks before his turn.
When the Mistigri remained at the girl (who was not taken), or in the heel, the king of asset replaces him in all his prerogatives and privileges; Failing the king, it’s the lady, then the valet, the ace, etc.
When you are five players, there are always six games distributed, because the girl has one; There is therefore only one card in the heel, because the six games and the retouane form a total of thirty -one cards; In this case, we do not give cards, we can only take the girl. But if he remains six cards in the heel, all those who risk can ask up to five, as long as there are still.
In the cascaret, we often agree that we will be forced to play assets in second, that is to say that the first player who will have raised a levee will have to beat asset, so as to marry the assets that could be dispersed in several hands , and who, cutting separately, would thus serve to save several players.