Bésigue and its variants
Extract from the book: Jean Boussac. Card game encyclopedia. Paris, 1896, p. 162–166.
This game is only a change in the five hundred. The rules of the two games are almost identical, also when we do not find here an intelligence wanted, we can refer to the five hundred.
Bésigue (Bézit in the patois of certain provinces and in familiar language) is an easy, attractive and very recreational game, because of the variety of the chances it promises and the diversity of the combinations to which it lends itself.
The Bésigue is played with several games of 32 cards.
Cards value. – AS is worth 11 points, the ten is worth 10; Then come the king the lady, the valet, the new, etc., but they have no value for the points.
When the return is a seven, the donor has 10 points.
- And lady of the same color are worth. 20 points.
King and lady of asset 40 –
Four valets 40 –
Four ladies 60 –
Four kings 80 –
Four AS 100 –
Four valets 40 –
Le Bésigue (lady of spades and valet
tile) 40 –
Double bésigue 500 —
Major asset fifth 250 –
When there is no return, which is a matter of convention before playing, the asset is determined by the announcement of the first marriage.
The hand is drawn. Whoever gives, mixes the cards and has them cut by his opponent, who begins the game. Each player takes the hand in turn.
The donor distributes eight cards to each (sometimes nine or ten) by two and three; He puts the heel on his right. If the return is a seven, the donor scores 10 points. If it is another card, that of the two players who has the seven of the same color can exchange it against the return, and it scores 10 points; But he can only exchange when he has just raised, in other words, when he is master.
It is not allowed to announce your points only after having lifted and before taking in the heel. The one who lifted takes the first card at the heel, the opponent the second, and the game continues so until the package is exhausted. Whenever the hand changes, the round of the one who takes the hand also changes. Nevertheless, we often suit – and this is wise – that the same player will use the first until the cards are exhausted; And that for a double reason: firstly because, if there is a marked card, the one who knows it will make sure to leave her master opponent, or take, depending on whether the known card will be bad or good then because That we often be mistaken by taking the cards when we have lifted, while the chance of error decreases by not changing the turn every time.
It is not allowed to show or count any card, no group, no marriage that you have 100 AS and 40 from asset in hand, when you have lifted and you will have only seven Cards in hand, you will count one or the other; your selection; But you will have to wait until you are again master, to count the other group.
From two cards of the same value, the first play carries the lifting.
During the game, we can neither count the heel cards, nor examine the levees that we made, nor, all the more reason, those of the opponent.
As long as there are cards in the heel, you can give up, sub-fierce and even cut with asset, although you have the requested color in hand.
When the heel is exhausted, we are required to provide the requested color and force in this color, that is to say to play a card higher than that of the adver. If you have no color, you have to cut with asset. Finally, if we lack an asset, we must give up. Who renounces, sub-torce or cut (when the heel is exhausted) while it can do otherwise, Mute account, that is to say that he does not score the points of his lifes. However, the points scored previously remain acquired.
The heel exhausted, players can no longer show groups, nor have points.
The last lifting counts for 10 to the one who did it. At the end of each game, the players respect the addition of the points resulting from the breakages. ‘The brisques are the aces and the ten contained in the levees. Each brisque is worth ten.
The player who reaches the first number of points agreed earns the game. He can only declare it after raising. This declaration is only eligible before the exhaustion of the heel. Example: you have the major asset fifth, you can only announce it if you are a master and that if there are cards in the heel; Otherwise she slams you in the hand.
If the two players simultaneously made the number of points agreed, the gain of the game is acquired to the player who made the last lifting.
If, in the course of the game, a player has one or more extra cards, he does not count what he has in hand, and if we do not notice the thing until the end of the Part, it sets out points.
Whoever has less cards always has the right to complete his game by taking the number of cards in the heel.
Bésigue precepts
– The player must apply to the preparation of groups and weddings; He must get rid of his bass cards, and take only with those who can count, that is to say with the broken.
If he has a series of cards of the same species, he must hasten to play them to embarrass his opponent, and force him to deprive himself of his striking cards or his assets.
If we realize, when the heel begins to run out, that the opponent has some important group to announce, it is necessary to endeavor, by means of major assets, to take and keep the primacy until The complete exhaustion of the heel.
As soon as a group of four aces has been announced, it must be used to make the levees; But we have to reserve the AS of asset to be able to become a master of surely when the need arises.
The Bésigue, we said, is done with the lady of Pique and the tile valet; Like these cards, always the same, end up getting dirty faster than the others or can be noticed, it is generally agreed that the lady of asset will always be the lady of Bésigue so that she will serve and for marriage, and For the Bésigue and for the Quinte, and for the five hundred. The valet that will have to accompany it will always be that of the opposite color: the clover valet for the lady of the heart, the valet of spike for the lady of tile, the valet of heart for the lady of clover and the tile valet for The lady of spades.
Of the Maldonne. – Who Maldonne loses his gives.