The Baccara
The Baccara
The Baccara is par excellence the game of money players. The moralists say it extremely dangerous … But when humanity is governed by moralists, life will sorely lack charm … The baccara is quick in its results, it does not require large combinations on the part of the pundits, But the banker must have a lot of composure, he must above all have the quick look and a sounder.
The baccara is played in two different ways: 1 ° with two tables, it is the baccara proper; 2 ° On the railway. It’s the turning baccara. It will be talked about under a special section.
Baccara with two tables
In the Baccara with two paintings, there is a player called banker, who plays alone against society, in other words against eggs.
Of the banker. – The Baccara with two tables is played on a large table in the middle of which the banker takes place. Usually, the bank sets up on auction, and this one is promoted to the dignity of banker, which offers to put the largest sum in the bank, that is to say to the game.
It is with two or three complete games of cards that the size is made. This is called all the data made by the banker without removing the cards and without having them cut again.
The banker, after having mixed the cards, circulates them around the table, and each laying mixes them in turn, if that can suit him. The banker has such a person of the gallery he likes to designate. He can burn, before starting the size, the number of cards that suits him, but he must notify the players of his intention before the cut.
Of eggs, and the bank. – Punches or speakers are divided into two tables or compartments: one on the right, the other on the left of the banker.
Each of the pundits poses before him the sum he wants to engage on one or the other of these compartments; The banker temporarily doubles each of these bets, except to know which one who later will remove everything.
Suppose now that the banker has put a Louis in the bank and that there are 25 laying around the table. (They can be unevenly distributed over the sweet paintings, because each player places himself where he wants, and again, if he is sitting on the right side, he can nevertheless puncture on the left board and even on the sweet paintings at the same time .) We see that if the first player makes one, two or three francs, there will not be enough bank money to pay all the clientele, that is to say the pundits. Here is how things will happen: the bank will be shared on two equal parts, one half will be attributed to the right -wing table and almost half the left board, without being concerned if there is more or less of eggs on this or that table. Then the banker will pay the first right -wing player and then the first player on the left if the two paintings win. But he will never pay them that until up to what there is a bank, that is to say beyond ten francs by each table. Similarly if the laying had bet beyond, the bank could not take them, if it were winning, and it would only make up to what it could pay.
But things are not always as simple: one, two, three, four, etc., Pontes can be covered (we are covered when there is enough money we have been paid in turn), and the others do not be; In any case, we always start by covering the laying on the right and on the left, starting with the one who seated closest to the banker, and, as long as there is money to do it, the Others do not go, their money is not engaged.
Banco. A right still undisputed, at least in the large circles of the southwest of USA, in Bordeaux in particular,-is that of making a banco, in other words to do everything in the bank on the two tables . This right belongs to a single player, and means that in this case, it takes precedence over all the other pundits. If the bank wins, its capital is doubled; But the losing laying still has the right to make a new banco; And, failing it, any other laying has the right to also be Banco. The bank, if it still wins, therefore quadrupled its capital in the second blow; That is to say, she has four Louis instead of the primitive Louis.
After the second Banco, each table resumes its right, and a single player is no longer allowed to banco. This rule is little followed in Paris; It is however a great way to fattening small banks, or to get rid of them.
Of the situation. – The games being made, and the cut cards (at the first time only), by such a person that the banker designates according to his good pleasure.
The banker distributes cards one to one in the following way:
1. A map for the right, one for the left, one for itself.
2. Another map for the right, one for the left, one for itself.
Way of counting the points. – In the Baccara the points of 9, 19, 29 are the best; come after those of 8, 18, 28; 7, 17, 27. Thus the points which are closer to 9, 19, 29, that is to say points which have for finale 9, win on those who are below, or to say, better, The value of the cards is counted by the number of points they express. The figures count for ten.
Slaughter. – that of the players – Ponte or banker – who, in the first two cards, is immediately 9 or 19 or 29; And 8, 18 or 28 immediately cuts off his game.
If the banker has 9 or 19 and the eggs do not have a similar point, he picks up all the money that was engaged.
If the banker has only 8 or 18 immediately, he also slaughters, and he wins, unless the eggs only tamper 9 or 19. If they slaughter 8 or 18, there is nothing , and the blow is as not avenue.
But the banker can meet equality on one side and a lower point on the other; It is here the place to say that the game of each table is absolutely independent. I am on the left, I suppose; I drop 9, the banker will pay me unless he also drops 9; If I drop 8 he will pick up my money if he slaughters 9; The blow will be not avenue if only 8. I don’t have to take care of the other table; And the laying that will hold the cards on the other side will not have to take care of me either.
Bac. -The points of 10, 20, 30 are called Baccara, that is to say that when we have these points, we count nothing at all and that we have lost, unless the opponent has also Baccara. In the language of professionals we simply say bac.
When you ask for cards. – The logs. -If no one of the players-banker or laying-has one of the points of 8 or 9,-and this is the case to say here that, to simplify everything, the dozens do not count, that is to say -Dit that von has 9 or 19, these sweet points are worth; If I have a 9 in one of my two cards, and the other is a ten or a figure, which would give me 19, I nevertheless say that I have only 9, the other card is a Log, that is to say, does not count.
If therefore, to continue the exhibition of the game, none of the players – banker or laying – has one of the points of 8 or 9, the banker asks for the right -wing laying if he wants a third card. We never give a fourth to the same player.
The banker asks the same question to the laying of the left, and gives him a third card, if the latter wishes.
He then takes one for himself, if he judges him about it. – The third card is discovered.
When we take cards either as a banker or as a laying, this is called shoot.
They say that we stick to it or that we are happy if we do not ask for a third card.
As soon as the banker fired or said he was happy, everyone fell off.
Then, the banker or that of the pundits whose point is closer to 9, wins on the opponent whose point moves away from it.
For example, if the banker finds himself having 6, one of the pumps 5, the other 7, the banker wins with the first laying, and loses with the second.
If one and the other laying had 8 and 7, the banker having only 6, he would pay everyone; But if they had only 5, the banker would take all the money engaged on the two tables.
If the eggs had 6, the banker having the same point, there will be equal everywhere; The blow would be zero.
From the hand. – The first blow is finished, banker and pundes have picked up or seen picking up the bets, we start again a new blow.
If the right laying has won, he keeps his hand, if he lost, he loses not only his bet, but also his hand, that is to say that the right to shoot down, to ask for a third card , or to declare itself satisfied, goes to the following laying. Things are happening exactly the same way on the left board.
We therefore see that the laying which has the hand has the direction of the common interests of all the pundits, which play on the same painting as it. And now, although the baccara is considered a game of chance (which is only true for eggs, and still not in an absolute way), there are cases where the question arises whether we will ask for cards or if we will declare yourself happy. It is at laying which has the hand or which holds the cards that it is up to decide what should be done. – If he has less than 5, he will ask for a card, if he has 5 he will stand there. Better to stick to it, but not always, you have to ask for a card sometimes to detect the banker. When we have practiced baccara for some time, we will understand even better why; It would be too long to explain it here.
As long as a laying continues to pass, he keeps his hand.
Whoever has hand does not only have the advantage of directing the interests of the table, which is for things, his duty is traced in the few lines above, but still he is the first to be paid. Whoever comes after him is the second to be paid, and so on; So that the laying closest to the banker who was the first is now the last if the second laying of the painting in hand.
Standing eggs. – The eggs that have not found a place around the table, either on the right or on the left, are said to be standing, their bet is only after that of the seated eggs.
Similarly if a laying, seated on one side, puts a place on the opposite table, it is only paid after the seating on the side of this table; But it is paid before the standing eggs which are always paid the last. Often it is quite difficult to settle the order of payment between standing eggs, because they are continuously changing space.
Of the draw. – We are not talking here about the eating of the eggs that must shoot when they have less than 5, be content at this point (not always however); And which, under no pretext should not be fired above 5, without exposing themselves to paying the table, that is to say to be responsible vis-à-vis the players who pontized on their hand. The draw in question is that of the banker, who does not play a game of chance, and who must follow a calculation of probabilities for a long time devoted by experience. For this, it is necessary to examine the special cases that may arise.
1. When the laying does not ask for a card, the banker must draw one, even if he would have five; Because it is likely that the laying has at least a similar point, and that it can also have, or 6 or 7, it cannot have more; If he had 8, or 9, he would slaughter.
2. If the laying requesting card receives a figure or a ten, that is to say a log, the banker will be satisfied with three.
3. If the laying requesting card has received an ace, the banker will be satisfied with point of 4.
4. If the laying requesting card receives a two, the banker will be satisfied with point of 5.
5. If the laying requesting card, receives a three, the banker must be satisfied at 5. To better say, the chances are almost equal. Everything will therefore depend on the money engaged on the other table, and we will say a few words on this subject below.
6. The banker giving the point of 4 to a laying must draw a card for himself, although he already has five.
7. If the laying has received a five, the banker cannot be satisfied at 5; There are even some who are not satisfied with six. However, it is more likely that the card that we will draw rather will decrease the primitive point than it will increase it.
8. When we give the laying the point of 6, the banker must shoot, although also having the same point, because he only has a chance to win, one to equalize, and all the others make him lose.
9. When the laying receives a seven, the banker pulls out of 8 and even out of 6.
10. Finally when the banker gives the laying an eight or a new one, he must himself be content with the point of five, even four and three say the teachers. Indeed, the laying receiving one eight is in hand 8 or 9, depending on whether it fired on Baccara or on one. But he was also able to shoot 2, out of 3 or out of 4, and in these cases he would have 10, 11 or 12. There is therefore with the points of 5, 4, or 3, more probabilities of success than lucky of loss.
The same reasoning will further apply to the hypothesis or the laying would have received a new one. Because then this card can only decrease the point that he had previously with the exception of a single case: the one where he would have pulled in Baccara.
To simplify the demonstration, we have reasoned so far as if the banker was only dealing with a single laying. But the rules we exhibit now relate to Baccara with two tables; They are therefore not absolute, and the banker must often sacrifice his luck on one of these paintings to save the other. Here is an example that will make thought easier to grasp.
The right laying requires a card and the banker gives him a log, that is to say a figure or a ten, it is obvious that if the banker has the point of five in his first two cards, there are a great probability that he will win; And again if the laying has fired at 5, there will be equal, we will pay in cards; But the banker gave at the same time a seven to the laying of the left; According to the rule, he should draw at 5, he will nevertheless be careful, because he would compromise his luck on the recent right table. His name comes to him the speed of his walk. It is mainly played when he does not present himself a nabab charged with gold, to excite, the lusts back pumps, we exhibit in front of them the jackpot of his pockets.
The railroad is a baccara where everyone takes the hand in turn, from left to right. Whoever has his hand is the banker, all the other players can be eggs, unless the first is Banco, that is to say does not hold everything.
There is only one table and it is always the first player to the right of the banker who has the hand, that is to say the direction of the table; He is paid the first and finally he decides if there is reason to ask for a card or to stand in the first two.
If the banco is not done by the first player, it can be by one of those who come after him, the preference still following the order in which the players are seated. (Here, as in the Baccara with two paintings, the standing eggs are always the last.) The banker keeps his hand until he has lost the blow, and his game is doubled, with each blow he wins; However, he can, if he judges him about it, pass his hand to his right -wing neighbor; or, in default, to the next if he wants to take it; But the one who takes the hand must put in the game an amount equal to that withdrawn from the banker who leaves, the first put.
As soon as the banker loses a blow, his hand passes, even if he would have a more or less considerable sum in the bank – this is what happens when everything was not covered each time.
If the banker voluntarily crosses his hand, as soon as the one who took it lost a blow, it remains to the player who should have had it, if it had been transmitted as a result of the loss of the banker.
The railway baccara is played with six whole games, running after a higher point, and then it would run the risk of losing on the two tables. But these are questions of experience, and the framework of this book is too small to bring in a complete theory of the Baccara.