Video games with online casinos

Give us our good old video games! Go here, the big heavy reacts that will make us his paper By saying that today is rotten and that we have to go back to Pong. It is difficult with time not to look at the world on the side of Swan. The first console arrived in my living room was a real Madeleine de Proust. I knew the world before the digital revolution, before computers, before smartphones, before the Internet. When I was little, and that my parents wanted to be quiet when we were in the garden, They didn’t give me a smartphone, but they said to me “Look, there is a baton “, And from this stick, I created worlds. This is not the problem the problem, that’s what they make of it. The title is I challenge. There is better today and the best before and then obviously there is a shock of generations! We have been bursting for hours on ugly games. When you play quiet on your PC And that a little morverse comes to tell you: “The graphics are disgusting “, You tell yourself that he is crazy. And indeed, you realize that your parameters were not at the top and your game gives you the impression that it is a film! And that hurts to the eyes ! Before being Online casinos fans, we were at dawn of video games.
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Before, play At the video games was the sign of evil. You could go crazy at any time and eliminate all old of your building. We didn’t say gamers or geek, We said “Abruti”, “Cretin” and other joyfulness. We were not trendy. We was here related. We did not know that in the world we were legion and that our vice would become the norm. It’s always a little painful. It’s like your music group that lives in his musical environment oforigin, and Still, becomes a common good. This is the black album of Metallica, this is the series Games Of Thrones, The Lord of the Rings are the Marvels and especially The DC, It is this world that was to us and which has become so trendy, that we have become shots. We did everything. We chial little to play on the arcades, when Papa absolutely wanted to show us as the pinball is cool. We have discovered Pong At a friend with a controller whose management was done with a record. Imagine a black straight line that was a road, a square that was a car. The goal of the game was simply to double without taking the small squares coming opposite. Everything started from This intellision From 1979 that I discovered a few years later. I’m not that old. Then there was l’Amstrad CPC 464 A real revolution and a real work of discipline. It worked at cassette. It was therefore necessary to plan three or four hours pour Play your game. Today, when I hear “it’s long to load” for To play online I can only smile. Next, Nintendo arrived and the world has changed. In the meantime, computers have developed and an intestine war was born between pro computers and pro consoles. PlayStation managed to make the link between gamers and console players.
Since then, we can say that the business has taken precedence over the world of video games. Internet was also a vector of dematerialization and today we have games without having games. The dependence on platforms is far from the libertarian spirit that the pioneers of computer science and the Internet had thought. Obviously, we have become specialists in the online casino, where we found the classics parties of Blackjack and Poker, so we cannot criticize what allowed us to become enthusiasts without having to ruin in the real casinos . the online poker is also a superb innovation. For once, games on PC never worked. L’ya was either indigent or impossible to beat, limit, one could not wonder if she did not sort, neither seen nor known, after three consecutive Flush fifths. And above all we never earned real money in these games …
Contagious video games
The video games of yesteryear had lost qualities on the altar of profit. A real story, chided scenarios, games without even have games that we did not finish. Philosophy was different. The goal n ‘mais.”>all but games that were deserved. You like ” EdlerScroll “, of Morrowind à Skyrim ? You have finished Baldur Gates ? Don’t come and tell me about role -playing games on PC, If you haven’t played Baldur’s gate. Might Magic VI : lle Celestial mandate? When we play Skyrim, We know where we come from. We started from a wooden stick to conquer the world and challenge the dragons to finish in a game where a dragon flies above our head while we ride, guard dès.”>of the Under the eye of maured of play. We can’t say that it was better before, we play online, we love slot machines, the Blackjack a lignings, graphics and even some blockbusters... Afterwards, there is one thing that is good, it is the independent studios. The old people had a time when they were all independent. Ubisoft In 1986, they were XVIII th century and we stay there a little, They stole our world, our codes, our music. Today being a geek, is to do tail like a sheep to wait for a smartphone sold 1000 euros that will be produced in millions of copies. Our world of childhood and adolescence has become a shopping center that is worth billions of euros. It is not that we are reactive, but we find ourselves like the band of surfers of the large beach of Biarritz, The pioneers who today are no longer found in this world of surfing surfing … It’s not serious, we will go drown our sorrow on a Casino in Direct With a pretty dealer, telling her between two clicks, as it was well before …