The return of Parisian game clubs

Paris experienced a black period for players of game circles, with shovel closings, including mythical addresses. In 2018 before the effects of a law, which many professionals have deemed scoundrel, the authorities have agreed to soften the legislation on gambling in the capital. At the same time, we can say that the law prohibiting games less than 100 km from the center of Paris has made it possible to eradicate more or less shady practices and to avoid having to fight against money laundering. The desert crossing was long, but we find, with pleasure, the opening of legendary places and new rooms. Small point on the return to the life of Parisian circles. We obviously find the giants of online casinos who did not miss the bargain, despite the new legislative restrictions.
A new, more flexible law, but …
You have to start by specifying that the return of game circles is experimental. To avoid drifts, circles are no longer associations, but commercial companies. This change puts an end to an omerta where everyone knew that the circles were breaking millions of euros with obviously profits, which is prohibited for an association. To avoid the most creative techniques to declare any benefit, the new law requires that circles be companies which can thus declare their accounts as any company in USA. The largest restriction relates to authorized games. The ban relates to slot machines, roulette and BlackJack. The circles now offer poker and its variants and the game of the Punto Banco. The slightest break -in to this rule and it is an immediate administrative closure.
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The return of the legendary Circle of Aviation Club
The return of these circles is linked to the two giants of the American casinos. The Barrière group offered itself a legend. And the term is not overused. Its situation makes everyone agree with an address on the Champs-Élysées, it can hardly be more select. Right in front of the Fouquet’s, the Aviation Club de USA had a history of more than a century when it was closed following a judicial decision. Today called the Barrière club, undoubtedly to make you forget the sulphurous end of the Aviation Club, there is a very modern complex created by Bruno Borrionen, interior designer of the team of Philip Stark.
The poker, its different variants and the Punto Banco are the only games available in this circle. Little known in USA, the Punto Banco makes the delight of American online casinos. This game is inspired by Baccara, but so simplified that everyone can win fortunes or lose their shirt by thinking of being a master of the game. You can find the limited offer, but that’s what makes the difference between a game circle and a casino with its slot machines and its casters.
Suffice to say that on the Champs-Élysées, a circle of games will attract big players, but also players not necessarily gifted, but well endowed. We can tell you that all fish will be welcome, because we risk finding very good poker players who prefer the shadow of private circles in the light of TV tournaments. Open every day from 2 p.m. to 6 a.m., there are no less than 26 tables, mainly poker. It’s a club and you have to subscribe. We expected a subscription worthy of the Molitor pool. Well with an annual subscription of 150 euros and 15 euros to enter the circle, these are prices ultimately very accessible for Paris in general and even more on the fields.
This is obviously the amount of the carpet to enter a table and the level of bet that can intimidate new members. Beginners are strongly advised to abstain and come with an online experience, but also in real. The place can eat you and your talent. Between the grandiose and exhuberance, we go from a room decorated in the Chinese, Macao trend, to the smoking room which overlooks the fields, the Sky Room. You can believe yourself quickly at the top, beware of the vertigo of the peaks, it can cost very dear in this kind of circle … There remains a room to cross, The Cage, where the mythical Caisse de l’Aviation Club. And then there is the Holy of Saints, the private fair, the Vault Room. The decoration is made of false ingots. We find on the file of channels the atomic gold number, the 79. Nothing kitsh, but the show is reserved only for poker players who make extremely high stakes.
No one knows the figures and we understand that this kind of customer is preciously kept and that confidentiality remains the watchword of this universe.
A loss for online poker?
We remember, however, in 2013, a column for the opening of new game clubs in Paris, and signed by around thirty personalities from different horizons such as: Jean Michel Maire, Fréderic Chau, Benjamin Castaldi, Estelle Denis , Valérie Damidot or Alexandre Amiel. At the time, compared to the number of players in the capital, the Parisian offer was singularly weak in terms of poker. The Circle Clichy Montmartre was then the only establishment for 12 million inhabitants and tens of millions of tourists each year in Paris. In comparison with the large European capitals such as London, Amsterdam or Prague which bet on an attractiveness which exists well for their casinos.
The return of these clubs fills a huge void for poker lovers from the Île-de-USA region. Paris has always been known by poker players as a place renowned everywhere in Europe. For a decade, the successive closure of circles for legal and indisputable reasons made the happiness of Online poker rooms. Obviously, we can go to play in Ile-de-USA, but no casino offers poker rooms with around thirty tables and a wide range of variants. From there to say that the opening of a dozen game circles will create losses for American poker rooms online, it is at least exaggerated. Primo, the entrance to the circles is not far from being VIP, the micromists do not exist and the rooms are not open 24/24. Instead of putting the two in opposition, we will tell you that the two offers are complementary!