Cards: real historical figures!

One day or later we all had card games in our hands. From belote, poker, via tarot, they can make us have a good time with friends or family, and even make us make money, when we play in it real money in an online casino. The characters, symbols and colors of these timeless games are part of our culture. But did you know that each card is linked to an era of our history, as well as to illustrious characters?
The origin of card games
In the beginning, the card games would have emerged between the VIIth and Xth century in China. Then we would find traces of these games in Europe in the XIVth century. They would have become popular but the Church, with a dim view of these games – because contrary to the moderate use of passions – decided to ban them. It’s in the 16thth century, thanks to the boom in printing, which card games really invaded Europe. Shortly after games such as poker, Blackjack or Baccara developed in turn. The cards and their characters have always conveyed an energy, a story or a message.
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The characters in the story
According to historians, many cards are attached to an illustrious character, having marked his time. Thereby, The King of Clover would have been inspired by Alexandre le Grand (IVth century BC. AD), one of the best known conquerors of antiquity. It was said that he was an extraordinary strategist and a visionary chief. The King of Pique would be connected to the Old Testament, since he would represent King David, the father of Solomon. David unified the twelve tribes of Israel in a single kingdom. He made Jerusalem, the capital of the Jewish people. The King of Heart would carry a little of the soul of Charlemagne (VIIIth century), king of the Franks, who managed, thanks to his numerous conquests, to restore the Western Empire. He became an emperor in the year 800. He is the symbol of the Carolingian Renaissance. Finally, The King of Carreau would evoke Julius Caesar (1st century BC), builder of an empire who dominated the Mediterranean for more than 500 years. He had proclaimed himself a dictator for life and was murdered in 44 BC. AD by around fifty conspirators supporting the restoration of the Oligarchic Republic.
Zoom on the queens of the card game
In a card game, we find four queens. Each of them is marked by a woman whose history remembers. The lady of a tile would take its source in the bibthe, under the features of Rachel, Mother of Joseph. Rachel is the symbol of the mother who gives her life for her children. The lady of spades would for his part be connected to Athena, the goddess of war and wisdom in Greek mythology. Some researchers also make the parallel between the Lady of Pique and Joan of Arc, who saved the kingdom of USA. The lady of Clover would have the features of a certain Argine, anagram of Regina that means Reine. The mystery surrounds this card of the lady of clover but a priori, Charles VII, who wanted to personalize the card game with members of his entourage, would have baptized this lady of clover by the name of his wife, Marie d’Anjou. Finally, The Lady of Heart Reclong us in biblical history. The Lady of heart would be connected to Judith, a little -known woman, who managed to seduce an enemy, the head of the Babylonians. It is said that Judith intoxicated this man before beheading him during his sleep … The Lady of Heart, symbol of love and beauty, strangely carries the energy of a little “delicate” woman.
On the side of the valets
The heart valet would lead us to Etienne de Vignolles, says ” To the hire “, A friend of Joan of Arc. He would have tried to release her when she fell between the claws of the English. Caught, he managed to escape. The clover valet would immerse us in The legend of the round table With the figure of Lancelot du Lac. Faithful to King Arthur, the knight Lancelot fell mad with Guenièvre, the wife of King Arthur. The tile valet would have taken the features ofHector, the son of King Priam who knew his hour of glory during the Trojan War. To finish, The pine valet would have the source of inspiration a Danish knight, ogier, legendary character in Denmark because symbol of resistance against Charlemagne. Each card carries in it an important moment in the history of humanity. Card games have so much to teach us!