Cepheus, poker helps medicine

If you are good geeks amateurs of math, science and poker, you know Cepheus: a robot from the search for three brilliant Americans from the University of Alberta. A program that is not going to make you make money at each hand, but will make you save it in the long term. The software is either in balance or it wins. To arrive at this performance, the researchers let Cepheus play against himself for 2 months. He was able to analyze 6 billion hands per second and coordinate 200 computers of 32 GB each and 24 processors !!! This mathematics beast has managed to solve a variant of poker called Texas Hold’em. The system can help you solve your game problems playing against it.
The second Kiss cool effect is that thanks to its calculation speed, it can help doctors to treat people with diabetes, taking into account changes in the situation and certain uncertainties concerning their treatment. David Louapre has worked on the subject: here is a super nice video to better understand what a resolved game means and which gives more info on Cepheus.
https://www..com/watch?v=nMP2lXxyPZo& t=113s