COVID19: online casinos boosted by confinement

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After the announcement of the confinement of American citizens and many other countries in the world, and the closure of non -essential places of life and shops, cinemas, spectacle, and gambling had to close their doors. For some sectors, the shortfall is not as important as it could be since the latter have already made their digital transformation.

This is the case of online casinos, which thanks to virtual operators continue to attract many players. And with the containment that extends, cyber casinos recipes should only increase in the coming weeks.

Containment benefits the online casino

Virtual casinos are not new. And many operators offering the most popular games of chance (such as slot machines) and table (poker, blackjack, roulette, etc.) have appeared and seduced thrill enthusiasts. Poker enthusiasts, for example, quickly turned to these platforms that allow you to join virtual tournaments, enjoy interesting bonuses, and sometimes even interact with real deales.

However, the decision of many governments to close non -essential physical establishments (including casinos) should give An important boost to online operators. If the usual players should have more time to devote to their hobby, those who have not yet been converted should be tempted for the first time.

Indeed, it is difficult to take care of all day when you cannot leave your home. However, this is of capital importance to avoid the spread of the virus. Casino players, and novices can therefore kill boredom by trying online slots, and other entertainment offered by virtual casinos.

During the economic slowdown, the juicy bonuses of virtual operators are also A great way to earn a little money, joining the useful to the pleasant.

Towards a massive legalization of online money games

Containment has also prompted certain governments to review their copy on the ban on online casinos. American game lobbies, such as Idevelopment & Economic Association, for example insisted with the authorities so that these platforms are more widely accepted in the United States.

Also in China, the closure of Macau’s physical casinos made reflect the authorities on the relevance of allowing online gambling. However, these legislative changes will have to be accompanied by prevention efforts, since confinement would tend to encourage the most risky bets.

Increasingly risky online bets

A recent study conducted in the United Kingdom on the consequences of the pandemic and confinement on the playing habits of the English reveals that the latter have passed from sports betting to slot machines, who are beautifulmore risky up.

888 Holdings said it was affected by the postponement or cancellation of events such as the Premier League and the Grand National, reducing income from sports betting, which represent around 16% of its income. However, he indicated that there was evidence that players migrate to alternative products.

“There are currently evidence ofan increase in players’ activity to casino and online poker games who could, in part, compensate for the disruption of sports betting for a certain period “, did he declare.

A multipartite group of deputies called online gaming companies to impose a daily ceiling of £ 50 on betting earlier this week, citing the fear that vulnerable people are particularly at risk during the containment period.

About 1.2% of people participating in games of money have a problem, according to the latest analysis published by the Gambling Commission. This relatively low figure includes people who play the national lottery, where dependence rates are already very low.

Risks of dependence on online game

The online sports betting With a bookmaker presents a slightly higher rate of dependence, at 2.5%. However, online slot machines, the casino and the bingo attract a much higher rate of potential problematic players, with around 9.2% dependents.

The requests of the deputies so that online game companies impose a daily Paris ceiling has been unanswered so far.

“The board of directors recognizes that, with a forced population to spend more time at home and with potentially increased stress due to economic uncertainty, vigilance in the prevention of damage linked to the game is even more important than never”, he told investors. “The group continues to provide support to its customers and communicate proactively with its customers to raise awareness of good practices and limit their expenses.”

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