Acquisition de Betdigital par NYX Gaming Group

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  3. Acquisition de Betdigital par NYX Gaming Group

NYX is one of the best technology suppliers in the online casinos sector.

Recently, Nyx Gaming Group has made an agreement with Betdigital which is also a platform supplier and game content. Indeed, this agreement allows the repurchase of the latter. We will then speak of acquisition for the Betdigital Group, the price of the operation will rise by a party in cash (a deposit) then of several payments spread over 3 years. The amount of this transaction is 24.5 million pounds, or 31.8 million euros for the most curious. A representative of the NYX group, said in a declaration that on the total of having on March 31 of this year, 5% represented all the acquired assets.

In addition, Betdigital is an operator based in the United Kingdom created in 2011

His specialty is providing game content on game platforms. You should know that the latter provides games and content on any platform style: physics / online / mobile / interactive television. This British operator has been able to make a name for itself, notably thanks to the possibility of the developer of online games to offer their games on the physical market. In addition, Nyx Gaming Group is based in Las Vegas using more than 1100 people in 14 countries different on 4 continents. The latter is known for the quality of his unbeatable toy library.

In addition, the buyout of Betdigital is well chosen, this will allow the American company to take advantage of all the branches of this sector, in other words to have access to the use of design platform and a studio that will supply the industry and the market in detail of online games.

Matt Davay The Director General of Nyx Gaming Group recently declared on this acquisition that Betdigital will allow “more exploiting opportunities and designing games” and he added that he saw Betdigital an asset for the company and for improvement scope on the overall strategy of the company. The perspective of this acquisition is to assert itself on the British market, a promising market for the sites of Online casinos. Heath Samples Managing Director of Betdigital, declared that they are well placed to provide a regional and in -depth study on this market since they are already located on the latter. In addition, according to him, they are best placed to help Nyx obtain a maximum performance of the expansion and export project of their products. Betdigital will be the bridge between British and NYX customers, they will be able to optimize market opportunities by putting global class content.

To conclude, this acquisition will be like an increase in NYX positioning on the world market thanks to a well -studied strategy, resulting in revenues and increased profits for this year.

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