Confinement et addictions

The side effects of confinement: exacerbated addictions. On March 17, the ax fell, we are all confined! Cut off from our habits, we had to continue to live, but otherwise. Stunned by the news, we turned to comfort and comfort. And, little by little or very quickly, good habits have given way to the bad ones.
The change being brutal, we were taken short. Confined for our good certainly, but some have experienced it badly: the young people had to eat their brakes, the parents take care of everything, the elderly saw their loneliness reaching their climax. Everyone has been affected by the side effects of confinement: workers still active, unemployed, teleworkers, partial unemployment. And that’s where the Addictions, to the game In particular, take precedence.
Snacks and screens
In the family spheres, we joined the ephemeral pleasures of snacking and screens. To hold on, more than 1 in 2 American people increased its consumption of series and video games. Released from our anxieties, the screen allowed us a momentary escape. Addictologist and president of the Gae consulting firm Alexis Peschard explains that pleasure decreases quickly, hence the increase in time spent playing to find this addictive feeling. This alternation leading insomnia and nervousness, addiction can hide another.
The right resolutions of the 1st of the year have succeeded the throes of confinement. To forget the crisis, we took refuge in immediate pleasure which was previously delayed: no need to get out of the office, the cigarette break could be spread over time. More limits to indulge in the hypnotizing activity of social networks. In the wake of the coronavirus, a multitude of questions arose, on the future, the professional, the appointments and life projects postponed, the American have increased their consumption of alcohol (5.5 million American) and drugs (22 % of people who were already taking it).
The Odoxa Survey for Gae Conseil makes it possible to measure this phenomenon of amplification of addictions: 27% of smokers smoked more during containment and 19% of people ate more than reason.
A palpable anxiety -provoking climate: isolation, change of rhythm, stress of telework, and concerns about the future are the main causes of stress observed during confinement. Human beings need light, and social development.
However, we have seen the economy and the world exchanges undermined; Sports events and shows canceled in turn and role.
55 % of American people admit that their addictive drifts were motivated by the loss of bearings, and 60 % by boredom, according to the Odoxa Gae survey of April 22.
Sliding consumption
To continue living as before and filling the search for pleasure, which does not wait for him, have been set up for substitutes for the hinds for games of chance and sport bets:
Poker and others Online gaming replaced the outings at the casino. The sports matches being suspended, the scratch games and other lotto took over. The online slot machines have established the imperative needs of all, given the progression of this playful practice and which often allows you to win small and large jackpots.
The crisis situation linked to the coronavirus shaking up habits, some have exceeded their limits and lost thousands of euros by wanting to play at all costs.
In question, the lack of social supervision, as Lucia Romo, a psychologist specializing in addictions explains, explains. It was above all compulsive consumption that took over the more thoughtful consumption. The virtual sports competitions Notably, experienced an impressive boom.
New behaviors?
Containment was the inventions laboratory (coronapero or aperitif Skype, Stopcovid application), but also discoveries on oneself and on the world, on Our relationship to nature. Finding our dream share, rebalancing our consumption mode could be the new watchwords. More than new behaviors, the period of confinement has been conducive to the emergence of new questions and rules of the game: on individual, digital freedoms.
What change has confinement highlighted? Our dark side or our need for balance? In this anxiety climate, there are people who spared and spared each other. Paradoxically, for the most addicted, the containment period was able to rhyme with abstinence at the games. Abstaining to give in to temptations, as if to fight old demons, they took the opportunity to overcome their addictions. No longer going to the casino could be saving for some and launching the challenge of forced withdrawal. Reconsing its consumption, regulating it, was able to restore hope.
Redo after confinement
But the “after” arouses new fears: the fear of falling back into facilities or gears. Lucia Romo, psychologist specializing in addictions, fears that players who have lost a lot of money, seek to do it again during the disconception, succumbing to a stronger temptation, to a rebound phenomenon. The worsening of addiction phenomena could prove to be a concern for public health, by digging the social security hole. It is important that employers become aware of the risk of addiction that affects teleworkers delivered to themselves.
The assessment of this confinement can be nuanced between loss of money but weight gain, balance between momentum of life and protection. Taking up sports betting is a vital issue for Online game operators But also for players. The National Games Authority will have its role to play in the prevention of addictions. “Players Info Service” on 09 74 75 13 13, to help you.
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