1 million lost, reimbursement for a player?

The story takes place in Austria, while an Austrian player played considerable sums in roulette, the latter would have lost a little more than 1 million euros! If this was going on in a real casino, this story would have fallen into oblivion but here is this player lost his money on an online casino by chaining the gains and the losses, this player will have lost 1 million euros in the end! .
Refund a player’s losses on an online casino outside the law
The player therefore seized the court to continue the online casino and obtain the reimbursement of his loss. Unfortunately the relations of European countries with online gambling and state monopolies cross a new course! Who is right? An online casino using a European online game license or this player who thinks he was stolen?
The first results of the survey have already proven that the game took place in accordance with the law, the game was not rigged and the player lost in the rules of the art. The question today is whether online casinos with a European license can operate in all European countries including countries with a state monopoly on gambling?
while the austrian corrt of justice had twice given the player right, the supreme corrt broke these two judgment to accept the defense of the online casino. the file has therefore arrived in the hands of the european corrt of justice.